Sunday, December 3, 2006

Let's Fight the Good Fight

Conservatives have been in "defend" mode for decades; unfortunately, as Napoleon said, "The logical conclusion to any defensive war is defeat." As the common saying goes, "the best defense is a good offense." We’re talking about ideologies though, not military machines. We know what we have to do (defeat Islam and liberal Marxists) to protect our culture.

Our ideology must take what the Pope said very, very seriously. He described the basis of Western civilization very succinctly: the synthesis of Greek philosophy and Judeo-Christian religion/Spirituality.

We have to look at not only deflating Islam economically (versus defeating it militarily) but developing the system to counter the liberals' attack on our culture (Tactics for Culture War Victory: Attack or Defend?). We're fighting a two-front war right now with equally fatal enemies. The only difference is the speed of their attack.

The critical path requires simultaneous action:

Action A, developing and propagating the alternative form of fuel and engines to run on that fuel (Answer to Islam). It will then take 10-15 years to neuter Islam. If necessary we need to focus our entire attention on developing that fuel. In other words, a Manhattan-style project of engaging the entire U.S. government, academia and business community for a giant research and development project. This is the opportunity to develop a renewable and clean, or much cleaner, source of energy that can be used long-term (hundreds or thousands of years). The economic benefits are obvious.

Action B, developing the liberal defeat system. This system has two goals: education and action. Americans must be educated about the liberal Marxist threat. They must also be provided with tools to not only defend our culture but actively promote it.

Active promotion involves two elements: walking the talk and fight the good fight.

“Walking the talk” is living active Christian lives, not just going to church on Sunday. The obvious medium for this is the Internet. We need a “MySpace” for Christians that unites the Christian community worldwide to “combat” the forces arrayed against it by uniting and rallying Christians to defend the Judeo-Christian values that built our modern-day society in general and the United States in particular.

In addition, by providing practical resources the site will give Christians step-by-step instructions or guidelines on how to actively live their lives as practicing Christians unafraid of the opinions of those opposed. Being part of the largest community in America will provide Christians the confidence, self-esteem and courage to speak up for their values and way of life.

The site must be database driven so it can also be used as a tool to create and manage grass roots groups who will actively engage to . . .

“Fight the good fight,” to actively give battle to the liberal Marxists. Fighting them at every battle they give and giving new battle back where they aren’t focused (including previous liberal gains). In other words, not only defending our culture but going on the offense.
Once this critical mass has been achieved we will have won the current war: fighting them on all fronts forces their ideology into the spotlight. Once exposed it will wither and die. Granted it will take time, but good always defeats evil. Good just has to get off it’s collective kiester, get organized and get engaged.

I'm calling for action on both fronts: alternative fuel development and the Christian cultural defense system. I'm soliciting both talent and resources. Someone has to start the ball rolling. Your support, in whatever form, is requested.

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